History of robots and the race to take part in the autonomous industry (1)

I must point out from the beginning that this is not a comparison article. But I wanted to emphasize how much our view of events remains in the air, the Japanese story of realizing the event, of dreaming despite the impossible at hand. I will tell you the place and importance of this film, which Kemal Sunal shot with Fatma Girik in 1987, but the real story is not related to the Japanese, nor to our achievements in this sense.
Autonomous systems, an understanding of the industry that replaces humans, m.He. It occurs in 1000 years. If you want to read the history of what happened from those days to this time in general, I recommend reading the following compilation; 'history of robots' (PDF link.) The share in this link is usually exactly the same as in Turkish shares. Different narratives are rarely available in most sources. I thought it would make more sense to look at the history of bipedal robots to find the result I wanted. When you look at the topic in depth, you will notice that the Japanese revival is a marketing success in mind when it is called a robot. But it is our uncle Ichiro Kato who laid the foundation for humanoid bipedal robots and led the Japanese on this journey. Ichiro Kato also started working on a human-like robot hand for hand prosthetics, as well as a bipedal walking robot to analyze the human walking mechanism.
Note: it is worth recalling that in general, hand prosthesis development and similar studies have helped repair the failure of the Hubble Telescope. If Hubble hadn't been allowed to 'wear glasses' with the help of a robotic arm, astronauts might not have known so much about our universe.
George Charles Devol invented the first industrial robot, Unimate, in 1954. After that, 12-jointed robots that can lift a person followed, and industrial robots continued to develop. Thanks to the work of Ichiro Kato and his students, humanoid robots took their first step into the world in 1967 with Walker, namely WL1. It's a very emotional and exciting irony to read. Because it has been said for almost 100 years that we will curse these beings in the future.

We have to accept and understand the evolving and changing world. Understanding the evolving and changing world is intentional science. If you don't care about science just because you don't understand it, if you forget that technology is a branch of science, or even that it develops all other sciences; not you, but your children will starve (Kips). And I'm interested in what we have to do to get rid of starvation.. WABOTS were produced,followed by WL1, WL3, etc. These robots were the first to communicate with humans and measure the environment. It wouldn't be wrong if we evolved the ancestors of Atlas, Asimo, Qiro and others with these friends. It makes sense for the Japanese to turn these years of perseverance into an art of show and marketing and want to monopolize humanity's robot trading.

It may be a futuristic dream, but they deserve to be skimming in every sense. So why don't we deserve it? Because we saw it as a dream! In the film 'Japanese business', which I mentioned above and in my last article, the Turks were shown as a people who chased deer in coffee, their prejudices were strong, who said that money would come from wherever it was, who did not question it. When you examine all the film's outposts, the types you can easily see in your neighborhood are reflected. He wanted to raise awareness with a high point of view of reality. In fact, this film is a Turkish science fiction film shot in impossibilities, with our bitter reality. But I want to criticize negatively if a Turkish friend gave this robot as a gift instead of a Japanese one. If only we had built that robot. Then if that robot wanted to be jailed for fraud in Turkey's facts.If Veysel were in love with the robot. But if he did it, he wouldn't be Japanese. If we hadn't called him the smart boy of the house just because the language is from our family, or our Japanese friends, even in our dreams, we would have experienced this reality. I can't congratulate Cem Yilmaz in this sense. At least 216 are aliens. I'm looking forward to your new movie (hihi). Anyway, to get back to the subject, Why Were we unable to develop as a nation when the remembrance of our name with autonomous systems dates back to our periods when we were inspired by war? We're certainly better off with the chess warrior Turk automaton designed by Wolfgang Von Kempeleng than we were in the days when we were dishonest and had ego masturbation.
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At our Aytunga - enlightenment event, which we recently organized, we have startup studies that work seriously in robotics and artificial intelligence, although not very advanced in Turkey, as David Eren Shadoglu noted. Next Horizons founder Davut Eren Shadoglu is a successful, expert entrepreneur who has received investment and incubation. Our first event is aytunga-be the sun in the dark! and we were honored to welcome him at the Enlightenment event. My heart is comfortable with the makers I know and the future of our country in this sense. The disturbing situation is that the perception of Kamo is not created correctly. We're aware of the existence of places like Makerhane. Like Next Horizons, like Ceyda, Tazi.İo we learn the work when we meet by chance. These studies will become the basis of humanoid autonomies of our country in the future. Yeah, we don't know what's coming from where. If we start late, these studies are our hope. Media that encourage production and consumption without falling into quackery should increase. Visual demonstrations should go viral. For example, isn't Asimo integrated with Honda? He increases brand awareness by performing with Honda robots in shopping malls where the car cannot enter. It's going viral on TV and on the internet. He's doing Robot competitions, but at least he should be collecting interest by signing up for budget-demanding jobs such as robot Wars. There has to be a perception that the money spent here is not wasted. Aiko Chihira is introduced in human form with plastic material. Our twenty-year software company is just marketing the railing by contracting the air of joint development.
Continue to work, hoping that it will be better than all this. Who knows, maybe one day Aytunga will perform My Sites. Aytunga is more than him! (Kips)
Respect and love,
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